When the freighter docked with the station for critical repairs, both Jedi were unconscious and in need of medical attention. The mining facility was sabotaged by an HK Jedi hunter who stumbled upon Meetra Surik and found his way to the Ebon Hawkwhere the former Jedi was taken by Kreia after she was drugged by the assassin droid during a diplomatic journey to Telos IV aboard the Harbinger. The project was possibly endorsed by G0-T0 during contract negotiations for the Telosian restoration effortsas he attempted to force the Republic to turn to shipping fuel from Peragus rather than buying it from the Huttswhich he deemed as a suicidal business venture. It was installed in the Peragus asteroid field as a second attempt at siphoning Peragian fuel after the first one resulted in the near-destruction of the planet Peragus II and was itself an Asteroid. The Peragus Mining Facility was the only supplier of shipping-grade engine fuel to the Kwymar sector.